Driven by the rise in billet prices in Tangshan over the weekend, the prices of steel billets in most cities followed up slightly after the market opened on Monday, but the demand did not perform well after the rise, and the overall cautious wait-and-see atmosphere gradually increased. Monel400plate and mainstream cities are affected by today's disk fluctuations and their own weak demand, showing a stop-rising and falling market. In the short term, although the rally of Monel400plate last week has boosted the trading sentiment of some stainless steel pipe merchants, considering that the demand environment is still weak, and the futures are weak and are now pulling back, the overall trading atmosphere is still cautious. Based on the current situation, it is expected that the price of stainless steel pipes may reproduce the previous narrow fluctuation adjustment trend in the near future.

In some areas, due to the impact of the epidemic, transportation is often not smooth, downstream merchants have poor shipments, and they have little enthusiasm for procurement. Monel400plate predicts that there will still be room for a supplementary drop in the price of stainless steel pipes in some areas tomorrow.
Stainless steel pipe merchants reported poor downstream demand and difficulty in shipping. Most of them were not optimistic about the follow-up market, and their worries increased. There were not many customers who made inquiries during the day, and transactions were flat. In terms of the guide price of Monel400plate steel mill: Zhangpu is stable; Dongfang Special Steel is stable; in general, the price of stainless steel pipe is adjusted within a narrow range today, some 300 series resources are affected by futures, the price of stainless steel pipe has been adjusted repeatedly, and the demand for other resources is poor. Businesses are not optimistic about the recent market, and they are still mainly down in the short term.
Post time: Nov-10-2022